Easy donut recipe

Recette beignet facile

If it hasn’t risen at all, you can even transfer it to the warm bowl after draining the water and patting it dry. Otherwise it could be due to your yeast… if you had put the milk too hot, you could have killed it! Dilute it first with a little lukewarm milk and then add it to your dough.

How to keep donuts crispy?

How to keep donuts crispy?

Why aren’t my donuts cool? For fluffy donuts: add sour cream to the original recipe to make your donuts softer and creamier. For light donuts: A few tablespoons of cottage cheese in your recipe, and your donuts will be much lighter and a little more tangy.

How to keep Nuggets crispy? To avoid this situation here is a very simple trick. If you can’t get the food straight from the pan to the griddle, be sure to put it on a raised rack above a baking sheet, not directly on the bottom of a pan.

How to keep the crisp? The best way to keep fried foods crispy? Just place them on a cooling rack set over a baking sheet. If you are frying multiple batches, put everything in a low oven to keep everything warm while you fry and add it to the grill.

How to make sugar stick to donuts?

How to make sugar stick to donuts?

Heat an oil bath to 190°, lower the donuts and brown them for approx. 1 minute on each side, place them on absorbent paper and line them with sugar.

What oil to fry donuts? A good frying oil resists high temperatures, but gives a neutral taste that does not contaminate donuts. Therefore, avoid olive oil! Peanut, sunflower or grapeseed oils are generally the best.

How do you know if a donut is ready? ¤ If you see that the donut starts to color a little, but during cooking, it’s good. If it colors too quickly, lower the heat a little, ¤ Don’t color it, raise the heat slowly, otherwise your donut will absorb the oil and it won’t be good.

Why let the dough rest in the fridge?

Why let the dough rest in the fridge?

in the refrigerator. This operation is important because the dough will continue to hydrate, the butter will develop all its aromas, the growth will be slower and the development better.

Why does the dough sit in the freezer? To keep the dough moist and prevent it from drying out, wrap it in plastic wrap before refrigerating. You can also freeze your puff pastry and then let it thaw either in the refrigerator or at room temperature?

How to store bread dough in the refrigerator? 24 hours in the refrigerator You can keep it up to 24 hours in the refrigerator before reworking it. On the other hand, it should not stay in a hot place. Take it out of the fridge 30 minutes before use and let it rise again.

Why leave pancake batter in the fridge? So let the batter rest well: an important step for pancakes that are neither too elastic nor too crispy. During this period of rest, a natural chemical reaction takes place little by little. The milk grains absorb the liquid mixture and the starch begins to swell and form the gooey network…

How to reheat waffles in the oven?

How to reheat waffles in the oven?

Preheat the oven to 150°C and spread your waffles in a single layer on a baking sheet. Reheat 10 minutes until heated through, or 15 minutes for frozen waffles.

How to keep waffles crisp? The secret to crispy waffles is to replace the milk with water and/or beer. Milk has the property of giving a homogeneous consistency. Therefore, waffles with milk or cream are relatively soft and more difficult to hold.

Why are the waffles stuck? Why is waffle batter sticky? Sometimes the batter sticks to the waffle maker for various reasons. This inconvenience may be due to the fact that you did not oil the plate or that you put too much sugar in your recipe. Sugar can caramelize during baking and make the waffle sticky.

What kind of flour to make donuts?

What kind of flour to make donuts?

Flour is used in many recipes and creations. In principle, for making donuts, it is advisable to use flour with gluten (wheat flour, rye), since this component allows the increase during baking.

What is the difference between type 45 and 55 flours? T55 flour is slightly fuller than T45. And the more complete the flour, the better it will be from a nutritional point of view, because the bran that surrounds the wheat contains a lot of fiber as well as carbohydrates. At this stage, the use of a T55 flour is therefore better than a T45 flour.

What kind of flour should you make waffles? T45 flour is a so-called « white » flour, which contains very little ash. Rich in gluten, it is ideal for making fresh pasta, small cakes such as financiers, brioches, puff pastry for cakes, waffles, pizzas.

When to use T65 flour? Harder to rise, T65 flour will be perfect for traditional bread or country bread. It is also used to make different types of pasta, such as puff pastry, pizza or even fougas.

Why are my waffles splitting?

Sometimes the waffle maker user forgets to set it to the correct temperature. He also forgets to grease or oil the waffle iron baking sheets. This is why the waffles split on the surface of the plates of the device.

Why are my waffles white? Main responsible for soft waffles is milk, which has the property of giving a creamy consistency to preparations that contain it! Baking is also another reason why waffles don’t have the crispiness we all love!

How to keep waffles crisp? If our waffles, after all, have a big slack, there is a radical little trick to make them completely crispy: give them a helping hand! To do this, you can either put them back in the waffle iron for a few moments or quickly send them to the toaster.

How to prevent waffles from sticking? How to prevent the waffle maker from sticking?

  • Use a device with cast iron plates to capture the heat well, but also non-stick plates to prevent the dough from sticking to the waffle maker.
  • If your waffle iron does not have suitable plates, oil or grease the appliance abundantly before cooking.

How do you prevent the dough from sticking to your fingers?

Take a handful of flour and on the bowl, rub your hands, insist between your fingers. The flour will mix in the fatty or moist substances that make your bread dough sticky. It’s very simple and you don’t waste any dough!

How to prevent the dough from sticking to the mold? When you make a pie crust, it can stick to the pan even though you think you made it. It is therefore necessary to grease the pie pan. Then take the dough and before putting it in the mold, it must be coated with potato starch. Thus, the pie will be perfect at the end of its cooking.

Why does the dough stick to your fingers? Why is my bread dough sticking? usually the dough should come off the table top when you lift it. If it sticks, you may have added too much water.

Why do you have to turn the waffle maker during cooking?

10- Turning the waffle maker during cooking Being able to turn the appliance has two main advantages: better distribution of the batter on the plates and uniform cooking on both sides of the waffles.

How do you know if the waffles are done? It takes about 5 minutes for the waffle to be ready. When no more steam comes out of the waffle maker, you can remove it.

At what temperature should waffles be made? The baking temperature of the waffle is around 210°C. If the appliance remains heated for a long time without being used, be sure to lightly lubricate the cavities of the irons and close them. Wait about 15 minutes until the irons reach 200°C.

When to return the waffles? If you’re using a reversible waffle maker, the process is the same, but you have to flip the machine after a minute for perfect waffles.

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Bonjour! Je m'appelle Valérie et je suis une cuisinière professionnelle passionnée par la création de plats délicieux et innovants. Avec 10 ans d'expérience en tant que cheffe cuisinière, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations pour surprendre les papilles de mes clients. Bienvenue dans mon univers gastronomique!