How to cook a quick dish with noodles and eggs

Comment  Cuisiner un plat rapide à base de nouilles et d'œufs

Egg pasta: the most controversial Among the dry egg pasta on our shelves, we mainly find tagliatelle and « Alsatian » pasta, the famous Spätzle. Their recipe contains at least 140 grams of eggs (whole or only with yolk) per kilogram of durum wheat semolina.

Does the pasta contain eggs?

Does the pasta contain eggs?
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Pasta is a dish made from a mixture of flour, semolina of durum wheat, spelled, buckwheat, rice, corn or any other type of cereal, water, and sometimes « egg and of salt”.

Additives allowed in their production are very strict. These are: gluten up to 20%, milk up to 1.5 grams of dry extract per 100 grams of pasta.

That’s why at Smartfooding we offer you a selection of egg-free products, specially selected by our nutritionists. In order to stop worrying and enjoy your favorite dishes such as pasta and cakes, visit our egg-free offer!

This neo-man seems to invite us to try his pasta on six new egg-free references: spaghetti, noodles, pasta, shellfish, butterflies and tortis.

How to make pasta dough?. When boiling for the first time, add 10 grams of coarse salt per liter of water. Following the chemical reaction, your water will move a little and that’s when you have to immerse the pasta. Typically, al dente pasta takes 8 minutes to cook and 10 minutes to cook.

What vitamins does pasta contain? Pasta is an important source of magnesium and vitamin B, it contains protein (about 129/100g of dry pasta). However, overcooked pasta contains slightly less B vitamins than hard pasta because they are water-soluble vitamins and therefore pass through boiling water.

Why is pasta called carbonara?

Why is pasta called carbonara?
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Dip it in a bowl or large container with cold salted water.

  • If the egg remains at the bottom of the bowl, it is very fresh. …
  • If the egg rises vertically or sinks towards the center, the egg is aged but still edible. …
  • If the egg floats, it is no longer fresh!

The liquid yolk added at the end of cooking gives the dish all the smoothness.

This word literally means « like a miner » in Italian. Various hypotheses emerge as to the origin of this name. Some say it refers to the pepper spots that appear in carbonara sauce, which are similar to charcoal dust.

Who invented pasta? However, according to legend, it was not the Italians but the Chinese who invented pasta, and Marco Polo brought it back from his long trip to Asia in the 13th century.

How to reheat pasta carbonara?

How to reheat pasta carbonara?
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How to reheat cold pasta? To warm pasta so it doesn’t stick and form hard lumps, heat it under hot water then drain. Pour a little milk into a saucepan, add the pasta, cover and heat. The pasta will be delicious, just like the first time!

Where to buy a Pasta Box?. Pasta Box.

Instructions: Put the pasta box in the microwave and turn on the 900W power for 2 minutes. Ready !

It is quite possible to heat a baking dish, just cover it with a sheet of baking paper so that it does not burn. You can also add a little liquid cream on top to prevent the casserole from drying out.

How to store pasta without sticking? Once cooked, the pasta releases the starch. It is this substance that makes them sticky. Solution: Pour the pasta under cold water and drain well. Add a little oil and store them in a box with a lid.

How to heat pasta and cheese? Gently heat the pasta and cheese over low heat. Heat 1 minute for one portion and 90 seconds for a larger portion. When the time is up, mix everything up. Then continue heating in this manner at 30-60 second intervals until the desired temperature is reached.

To keep them warm: when emptying them, run them under hot water, leaving them in the skimmer. This removes some starch from the pasta causing it to stick together.

How much pasta per person?

How much pasta per person?
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How to measure pasta without weights? To measure the spaghetti, make a circle joining your thumb and index finger. This diameter corresponds to the amount of pasta you should use for a meal for 2 people. If you are alone, point your index finger not at the tip of your thumb, but at the knuckle.

How to measure pasta portions? Measure the pasta using a medium glass (about 250ml) or a scale. If using a scale, pour the pasta into the weighing container and weigh 60g. If you’re using a glass, a 60g serving is about half a cup of dry pasta.

Pasta 40-50 g as a side dish, 80-100 g as a main dish
Eggs (omelet or fried) 1 to 2
Fish 130 to 170 g (220 to 260 g with waste)
Meat 150 g (200 to 250 g with bone)
Cheese 30 grams

For a dish, 125 g per person is the most appropriate dose of raw pasta. For a dish for 4 people, count 500 g of raw pasta. If it is an accompaniment, 250 g of raw pasta for 4 people is enough. Of course, it must be adapted to everyone’s appetite.

For example, for a family of four (2 adults and 2 children or teenagers), 450 or 500 g of spaghetti is enough to satisfy all appetites.

Allow 80 to 100g of raw pasta per person.

Most packages say the amount per person is 100g of pasta. This amount must of course be adjusted. Depending on your appetite or the pasta main course, you can safely cook up to 500g for 4 people.

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Bonjour! Je m'appelle Valérie et je suis une cuisinière professionnelle passionnée par la création de plats délicieux et innovants. Avec 10 ans d'expérience en tant que cheffe cuisinière, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations pour surprendre les papilles de mes clients. Bienvenue dans mon univers gastronomique!